P: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

All: Who made heaven and earth.

P: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Let us pray.

Almighty and merciful God, who, out of exceeding love for us, willed that your only-

begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, come down from heaven to earth, take flesh at

the angel's message in the sacred womb of Our Lady, the blessed Virgin Mary, submit

to death on the cross, and rise gloriously from the dead on the third day, in order to

snatch us from Satan's tyranny; we humbly beg you in your boundless goodness to

bless and to hallow these rosaries, which your faithful Church has consecrated

to the honor and praise of the Mother of your Son. Let them be endowed with such

power of the Holy Spirit, that whoever carries one on his person or reverently keeps

one in his home, or devoutly prays to you, while meditating on the divine mysteries,

according to the rules of this holy society, may fully participate in all the graces,

privileges, and indulgences which the Holy See has granted to this society. And may

he always and everywhere in this life be shielded from all enemies, visible and

invisible, and at his death deserve to be presented to you by the blessed Virgin Mary,

Mother of God, laden with the merits of good works; through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Saint Padre Pio, pray for us.

“Go to the Madonna. Love her! Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it as often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer shakes the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!” -St. Padre Pio

Pope Pius XI, pray for us.

“The Rosary is a powerful weapon to put the demons to flight and to keep oneself from sin…If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary. Let not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labors.” – Pope Pius XI