Community United in Prayer

“These remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles,

to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers”. ACTS 2:42

Meet our Prayer Warriors

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ~ Monks of Saint Joseph's Abbey

First Friday Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

~ Abbot Justin OSB

The Rosary

~ Paige R., J.T. L., Puddy R.

Divine Mercy Chaplet / Divine Will

~ Lori B.

Litany of Humility

~ Frank & Paige R.

Stations of the Cross

~Susan P.

Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament

~ Mary L.

The Liturgy of the Hours

~ Seminarian Caleb B. & Susan V.


~ James T. & Matthew G.

The Angelus

~ Sister Theresa & Karen M.


~ J.T. & Katie L.

Lectio Divina

~ MC L.

Litany of Chastity

~ Brian & Lisa B.

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