Board of Directors

  • Rt. Rev. Justin Brown, OSB Abbot President Swiss-American Congregation - Director

    Rt. Rev. Justin Brown, OSB Abbot President Swiss-American Congregation, is a native of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodeaux and was one of the early supporters of the Catholic Geaux Bag concept. He offered his prayers, experience, and knowledge to the cause and firmly believes in the importance of sacramentals for families. The board of directors is honored to have him serve as the Director.

  • Katie Lee, Founder - President

    Founder and President, Katie Lee, worked for the Archdiocese of Military Services for many years. She and the chaplain priest prepared for the spiritual needs of deploying soldiers and their families by ensuring they had the essential sacramentals to fortify and strengthen them for their call of duty. The first Catholic Geaux Bag was created with a rosary, Saint Michael Scapular, and Blessed Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s Wartime prayer book during this time. Guided by Saint Joan of Arc and inspired by this memory, Katie was moved to create the same for every Catholic. Believing that as Church Militants, we are called to take on the breastplate of Christ.

  • Jt Lee, Military Liaison - Vice President

    JT is a retired military pilot who served our country for 24 years. He has supported and engaged in countless military campaigns including Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), and SFOR (Balkans) during his time in the Air Force and Army. Knowing that the most pressing war is supernatural, he wore the scapular and carried the rosary with Our Lady's promise to enlist the help of the Church Suffering and the Church Triumphant. After retiring from the Army in 2013, JT continued to utilize the spiritual weapons for the home front battlefield by carrying a Catholic Geaux Bag on his travels and giving them out to others. JT is proud to serve as the Vice President of this worthy endeavor.

  • Lisa Flood, Esq - Secretary

    A Catholic who has returned to the faith, Lisa Gennusa Flood is a wife, mom, and prayer warrior. Her longing for the Holy Eucharist drew her back to the Church. In fact, three generations of her family returned to the faith at the same time. Upon returning to the church, she began to develop a deeply intimate prayer life by praying with Scripture according to the Spiritual teachings and exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Lisa has hosted multiple Catholic TV programs and Catholic radio programs. Her work in Catholic media absolutely convinced her of the power of prayer. Whenever she is invited to speak, she reminds Catholics of the weapons of our faith and the power of our prayer for our families. She firmly believes that the Lord will use the Sacramentals in the Catholic Geaux Bag to bring many souls to Jesus. She resides in Mandeville with her husband, Dr. Herb Flood.

  • Jaime A Kentzel, CPA - Treasurer

    Jaime has been a lifelong resident of Covington, LA. She was blessed to be born to devout and faithful parents. She is the mother to three wonderful sons. Professionally, she is a CPA. “I am honored to be a part of the Catholic Geaux Bag family. I believe the Catholic Geaux Bag will increase our Catholic faith and assist us in our daily lives, especially in times of sickness and travel.

  • Matthew & Caroline Guidry - Social Media Team

    Louisiana natives Matthew and Caroline Guidry make their home in Mandeville Louisiana. They met at LSU and grew in faith together with a special devotion to our Blessed Mother and the Rosary. Their lives, and the lives of their children have been greatly enriched by Catholic Sacramentals. Blessing with Holy Water, saying the Rosary as a family, and giving Sacred images pride of place in their home has been fruitful, and they are thrilled that Catholic Geaux Bag will further these practices around the world. Recently, they were able to bring a Geaux Bag with them to the hospital for the birth of their son Peter Joseph. Blessing the room and saying the Rosary with Peter in those early hours of life was a tremendous blessing. Matthew and Caroline are honored to bring their backgrounds in Sales and Marketing together for something beautiful!